The Fifth Element Script: A Sci-Fi Masterpiece

15 min read

The Fifth Element script is a classic sci-fi film that has captured the hearts and minds of audiences since its release in 1997. Directed by Luc Besson, the film tells the story of a futuristic world where a mysterious force threatens the existence of humanity. It’s a film that seamlessly blends action, adventure, and comedy, resulting in an immersive and entertaining experience.

Key Takeaways

  • The Fifth Element script is a sci-fi masterpiece that has captivated audiences since its release in 1997.
  • The film tells the story of a futuristic world threatened by a mysterious force, and seamlessly blends action, adventure, and comedy.
  • The Fifth Element script features iconic characters and memorable quotes that have become a part of pop culture.

The Plot of The Fifth Element Script

The Fifth Element script is a sci-fi action film that takes place centuries in the future. The plot centers around the quest to save humanity from a powerful and evil force threatening to destroy all life in the universe.

The film explores the concept of the fifth element, a mystical force that represents the balance between the four elements of earth, wind, fire, and water. The fifth element is embodied in a mysterious woman named Leeloo who is the only one capable of stopping the impending doom.

The Protagonists

The main protagonist of The Fifth Element script is Korben Dallas, a retired Major in the military who becomes involved in the mission to save humanity. Korben is a skilled fighter and pilot, and his experience in combat proves invaluable in the fight against evil.

Leeloo is the embodiment of the fifth element and the key to saving humanity. She is a fierce fighter with acrobatic abilities and a deep connection to the universe. Her character is strong and complex, adding depth and emotion to the film.

The Antagonists

The primary antagonist of The Fifth Element script is Zorg, a ruthless businessman working for the evil force threatening the universe. Zorg is manipulative and cunning, using his power to achieve his own goals at the expense of others.

The evil force itself is represented by a massive, dark entity that seeks to consume everything in its path. It is a looming threat throughout the film, providing tension and suspense as the protagonists work to stop it.

The Fifth Element script incorporates elements of adventure, romance, and humor into its sci-fi plot. Its characters are dynamic and iconic, and its narrative is thrilling and engaging.

The Characters in The Fifth Element Script

The Fifth Element script boasts an unforgettable cast of characters that have become iconic within the sci-fi genre. Each character has a unique role and personality, contributing to the overall success of the film.

Korben Dallas, played by Bruce Willis, is the film’s protagonist and a former special forces soldier turned cab driver. His tough exterior, quick wit, and willingness to jump into action make him a fan-favorite among audiences.

Leeloo, played by Milla Jovovich, is the Fifth Element, a genetically engineered being tasked with saving the world from an evil force. She brings a sense of innocence and vulnerability to the film, while also showcasing her incredible strength and agility.

Ruby Rhod, played by Chris Tucker, is a flamboyant radio host and one of the comic reliefs of the film. His high-pitched voice, over-the-top outfits, and hilarious one-liners add a touch of humor to the otherwise action-packed story.

Zorg, played by Gary Oldman, is the film’s main antagonist and a ruthless corporate businessman. His desire for power and wealth drive him to betray his own people and aid the evil force threatening the world.

Cornelius, played by Ian Holm, is a priest and scholar who becomes an ally to Korben and Leeloo. His extensive knowledge of the ancient prophecies regarding the Fifth Element is crucial to their mission.

President Lindberg, played by Tom Lister Jr., is the President of the United Federations. His leadership and willingness to take risks make him a respected figure among his people.

The Fifth Element script’s characters have become so iconic that they continue to be referenced and celebrated in pop culture today. From Korben’s catchphrase “Multipass” to Leeloo’s iconic costume, these characters have left an indelible mark on the sci-fi genre.

Memorable Quotes from The Fifth Element Script

The Fifth Element script features some of the most memorable quotes in sci-fi film history. From comedic one-liners to profound philosophical musings, the script offers a diverse range of unforgettable moments. Below are some of the most iconic quotes from the film:

“Leeloo Dallas multi-pass.”

This line, spoken by protagonist Korben Dallas (Bruce Willis), has become a cult favorite among fans of The Fifth Element. The phrase “multi-pass” refers to Leeloo’s (Milla Jovovich) identification card, which becomes a key plot device in the film. The delivery of the line by Willis has become a classic example of deadpan humor.

“Big bada boom.”

Another one-liner from Korben Dallas, this phrase is used to describe the explosive power of a bomb that he and Leeloo set off. The simplicity and humor of the line have made it a popular catchphrase among fans of the film.

“Time not important, only life important.”

This line, spoken by the alien antagonist Zorg (Gary Oldman), is a rare moment of philosophical insight in the film. It touches on the film’s themes of the value of life and the dangers of allowing time to control one’s existence.

“What’s the use in saving life when you see what you do with it?”

Said by Leeloo, this quote reflects her initial disillusionment with humanity. It highlights the film’s exploration of the potential for destruction and chaos that comes with the power of creation and technology.

The Fifth Element script’s memorable quotes are a testament to its clever writing and innovative storytelling. They have become ingrained in popular culture and continue to be quoted and referenced to this day.

The Behind-the-Scenes Insights of The Fifth Element Script

Behind every great film is an intricate creative process that involves countless hours of work and many challenges. The Fifth Element script is no exception. With its stunning visuals, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters, the film required a tremendous amount of effort and dedication to bring to life.

One of the most intriguing aspects of The Fifth Element script is its origin story. Director Luc Besson first conceived of the film when he was just sixteen years old, and he spent years honing the story and developing the characters before finally bringing them to the big screen. The film’s unique blend of science fiction, action, and humor is a testament to Besson’s creativity and vision.

Despite Besson’s clear vision, the production of The Fifth Element was not without its challenges. One of the most significant obstacles was the film’s budget, which was the largest ever for a French film at the time. To make the most of the funds they had, the production team utilized innovative techniques and creative problem-solving to achieve the film’s epic scale and scope.

Another key element of The Fifth Element script is its stunning visuals. The film’s futuristic setting demanded a high degree of technical sophistication and creativity from the production team, who worked tirelessly to bring Besson’s vision to life. The result is a visually stunning masterpiece that has stood the test of time.

Finally, The Fifth Element script is notable for its exceptional performances from its cast. Leads Bruce Willis, Milla Jovovich, and Gary Oldman all deliver standout performances that add depth and nuance to the film’s characters. Their talent and dedication are a testament to the film’s enduring legacy.

“The Fifth Element is a film that required a tremendous amount of work and dedication to bring to life. Its stunning visuals, intricate plot, and unforgettable characters are a testament to the talent and creativity of its production team.”

The Fifth Element is a true masterpiece of science fiction cinema, and its enduring legacy is a testament to the creativity and dedication of its production team. From its inception to its final, stunning visuals, the film is a triumph of visionary storytelling and technical innovation.

The Cultural Impact of The Fifth Element Script

The Fifth Element script has had a significant impact on sci-fi and popular culture. Its unique blend of action, humor, and visual style has inspired audiences and filmmakers alike.

One of the film’s most notable contributions to the genre is its portrayal of a strong and complex female lead. Leeloo, played by Milla Jovovich, subverted traditional gender roles and became a feminist icon. Her character inspired future female heroes in sci-fi films.

The film’s stunning visuals and imaginative world-building also set a new standard for sci-fi filmmaking. Its unique aesthetic, created by French director Luc Besson, has influenced numerous films and television shows, including the Star Wars prequels and The Matrix trilogy.

“Multi-pass!” – Leeloo (Milla Jovovich)

The film’s memorable quotes have become part of the cultural lexicon, with lines like “Multi-pass!” and “Big bada boom!” still referenced and quoted today.

Lastly, The Fifth Element script has helped to bridge the gap between mainstream and niche audiences. Its appeal to both sci-fi enthusiasts and casual movie-goers has contributed to its widespread popularity and lasting legacy.

  • Leeloo’s portrayal as a strong female lead inspired future female heroes in sci-fi
  • The film’s visuals and world-building set a new standard for sci-fi filmmaking
  • Memorable quotes from the film’s script have become part of the cultural lexicon
  • The film’s wide appeal bridged the gap between mainstream and niche audiences

The Success and Reception of The Fifth Element Script

Upon its release in 1997, The Fifth Element script was met with mixed reviews from critics. Some praised its stunning visuals, thrilling action, and unique storyline, while others criticized its lack of character development and convoluted plot.

Despite the mixed reviews, The Fifth Element script was a commercial success, grossing over $263 million worldwide. It was the highest-grossing French film of all time and held that record for over a decade.

The film’s success can be attributed in part to its innovative marketing campaign, which highlighted its impressive special effects and unique blend of sci-fi, action, and humor. It also helped that the film starred well-known actors Bruce Willis and Milla Jovovich.

Over time, The Fifth Element script has gained a cult following and has been recognized as a cult classic of the sci-fi genre. It has been praised for its originality, creativity, and sense of fun.

In 2017, The Fifth Element celebrated its 20th anniversary with a re-release in theaters and a limited edition 4k Ultra HD Blu-ray release. These events further cemented the film’s lasting impact and popularity among fans.

The Influences on The Fifth Element Script

The Fifth Element is a sci-fi film that drew inspiration from a variety of sources, including literature, art, and film. Director and writer Luc Besson created a world that felt both familiar and unique. Here are some of the influences that helped shape the film:

Comic Books

Besson has cited comic books as a significant influence on The Fifth Element. He was a fan of the French comic series Valérian and Laureline, which features a time-traveling duo who explore different worlds. The series’ fantastical elements and vivid imagery can be seen in The Fifth Element’s epic scope and imaginative world-building.

Blade Runner

Ridley Scott’s Blade Runner is a classic sci-fi film that explores the nature of humanity and the relationship between humans and androids. The film’s gritty, neon-lit cityscapes and futuristic technology influenced The Fifth Element’s visual style and tone.


Fritz Lang’s silent film Metropolis is a classic piece of sci-fi cinema that explores class struggle and the dangers of unchecked industrialization. The film’s iconic imagery, such as the worker’s city and the robot Maria, influenced the design of The Fifth Element’s futuristic society.

French Cabaret

Besson drew inspiration from French cabaret culture, particularly the Moulin Rouge, in creating the character of the Diva Plavalaguna. The Diva’s performance is a dazzling spectacle that combines elements of opera and pop music.

These influences and more helped shape The Fifth Element script into the sci-fi masterpiece that it is today. The film’s unique blend of action, humor, and imagination has influenced countless other works in the genre, cementing its place in pop culture history.

The Legacy of The Fifth Element Script

The Fifth Element script has left a lasting legacy in the sci-fi film genre since its release in 1997. Its unique blend of action, humor, and spectacular visuals continues to captivate audiences to this day.

One of the notable legacies of The Fifth Element script is its influence on sci-fi fashion and design. The futuristic costumes and set pieces created by designer Jean-Paul Gaultier have become iconic, inspiring a new generation of sci-fi films and fashion designers. The film’s sleek spaceships and intricately designed weapons have also left a lasting impression on sci-fi imagination.

“Leeloo Dallas. Multipass.”

The film’s memorable one-liners and quotes have become part of popular culture and are still frequently referenced in memes and social media posts. From the famous “Leeloo Dallas. Multipass” quote to the hilarious “Chicken? Good” moment, The Fifth Element has left audiences with a plethora of memorable moments.

The film’s enduring popularity also led to a stage adaptation of the story, titled “The Fifth Element Live,” which premiered in London in 2018. The show featured live orchestration of Eric Serra’s iconic score, along with a full cast and stunning visual effects.

Overall, The Fifth Element script’s continued relevance and popularity is a testament to its impact on sci-fi film and pop culture as a whole. It remains a beloved classic that still captures the imaginations of audiences old and new.


Overall, The Fifth Element script has cemented itself as a sci-fi masterpiece. With its thrilling plot and iconic characters, it has captured the hearts of audiences for over two decades. The film’s memorable quotes and behind-the-scenes insights have only added to its enduring legacy.

The cultural impact of The Fifth Element script cannot be overstated. It has influenced numerous sci-fi films and popular culture as a whole. Even today, it remains just as relevant and enjoyable as it was upon its release.

We hope this article has encouraged you to revisit The Fifth Element script or explore it for the first time. Its success and reception speak for themselves, and we believe it is a must-watch for any fan of the sci-fi genre. Thank you for reading!


Q: What is The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script is the screenplay for the sci-fi masterpiece film, “The Fifth Element.” It encompasses the dialogue, actions, and descriptions that bring the story to life on screen.

Q: What is the plot of The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script follows a futuristic tale filled with action and adventure. It revolves around the quest to save humanity from an incoming evil force, with the help of a mysterious fifth element.

Q: Who are the characters in The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script features a diverse set of memorable characters, including the heroic Korben Dallas, the enigmatic Leeloo, and the charming Ruby Rhod. Each character plays a vital role in the narrative and adds depth to the story.

Q: What are some memorable quotes from The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script is known for its memorable quotes that have become iconic within the sci-fi genre. From Leeloo’s declaration of love to Ruby Rhod’s charismatic exclamations, the script is filled with lines that resonate with audiences.

Q: Are there any behind-the-scenes insights into The Fifth Element Script?

A: The making of The Fifth Element Script involved a creative process filled with production challenges and interesting facts. This section will provide readers with behind-the-scenes insights into the development and creation of the film’s script.

Q: What is the cultural impact of The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script has had a lasting cultural impact on the sci-fi genre and popular culture as a whole. This section will explore how the film has influenced other works and its significance in shaping the genre.

Q: How was The Fifth Element Script received?

A: The success and reception of The Fifth Element Script can be gauged through critical reviews, box office performance, and any awards or nominations it received. This section will provide an analysis of how the script was received by audiences and critics.

Q: What were the influences on The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script drew inspiration from various sources, including other films, literature, and artistic works. This section will discuss the influences that shaped the script’s themes, visuals, and storytelling techniques.

Q: What is the legacy of The Fifth Element Script?

A: The Fifth Element Script has left a lasting legacy in the sci-fi genre, gaining a dedicated fanbase and inspiring subsequent adaptations and references. This section will explore the ongoing impact and popularity of the script.

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